This week's anime is a comedy, sports, coming-of-age shonen. You're probably thinking, "a show about volleyball?? gross" but trust me, this show is good . The show follows Shoyo Hinata, after constantly losing every volleyball game (due to forcing random people on his team since nobody else wanted to join) decides to attend Karasuno High School to become the next "Little Giant"--his idol nicknamed that for his small height but took the school to the nationals years prior. But once Hinata enrolls in the school and joins the club, he learns that the current volleyball team is one of the worst ones in prefecture . Karasuno means crow and now with their reputation as a powerhouse volleyball school is gone, they are now " The Wingless Crows ". Hinata wasn't the only first year to join the volleyball team, Tobio Kageyama also did who actually faced Hinata in a volleyball game during middle school. With Hinata's raw talent of jumping incredibly h...
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