
Yet another incredibly sad anime. This show made me ugly cry so much from how sad it was.

This 2011 emotional, drama, anime focuses on a group of six childhood friends--"Tsuruko", "Yukiatsu", "Anaru", "Poppo", "Jintan", and the one who died in an accident, "Menma".

They all used to play together everyday in the summer, they even had their own secret base where they all hung out and planned their days' adventures--they were called the Super Peace Busters and the best of friends. Kids being kids, they began to talk about who liked who. Jintan, the leader of the bunch was accused of liking Menma, but he got flustered and run off. Memna chased after him but never came back.

Due to Menma's passing, over time, the group completely drifts apart where some don't even think the other exists. 

Fast forward ten years later, a slightly older Menma appears in front of Jintan as a ghost asking for a wish to be granted, which she herself doesn't know what it is. But in order for her to pass into the afterlife, she needs this mysterious wish granted.

He is the only one that can see her, so naturally, she's a lot of trouble.

Jintan not knowing what to do seeks out the old crew only to find that there is still a ton of internal conflict, hidden feelings and guilt from all of them. 

Anaru changed her appearance completely as she was jealous of Menma and how everyone liked her due to her cuteness. She out of all of them frequently checks up on Jintan. Poppo is the only who hasn't changed internally at least, but appearance wise, he grew twice in size. Yukiatsu was in love with Menma and still has yet to cope with her death after all these years, which sadly,  doesn't let him connect with anyone new. Tsuruko who is reasonable, follows Yukiatsu around, but is seen to be jealous of his feelings over Menma.

When Jintan asks for their help, most don't believe him and think he just hasn't got over Menma's death like the rest of them.

Everyone blames themselves for what happened too poor little Menma. Even her family who still can't quite cope with it after all these years. Each scene in this show just gets more and more sad.

This story opens up the wounds and trauma of all the characters and makes them relive the past again. They try to help Menma move on while they find out how to do so themselves by gathering at their secret base one last time. Be ready, the ending is heartbreaking.

Here is a quick trailer of what to expect:

And here is a link to watch in either English or Japanese. (This show is actually on Netflix so it's super accessible if you already have a subscription!)

The anime is only 11 episodes long with each being around 23 minutes. The show does end, but with an incredibly sad scene, so I doubt there would ever be a season two. I first watched this in Japanese but when it got an English, I rewatched it so fast and ugly cried again. So get your Kleenex ready for this one, because I think this is one of the most sad anime out there.

If you did watch this show or plan on it, let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Next week will be yet another sad anime. (:
