

This weeks anime is a supernatural, action, comedy show. This show is truly a gem and one of my personal all time favorites too!

In Japanese culture, gods are very important to people, there are many different kinds like gods of fortune, gods of love, and so on. People pray to these gods and ask the for certain things because they represent what the person is in need of. Yato, one of the main characters is a god, but he isn't known by anyone at all.

So with that, the story follows high schooler Hiyori Iki and her run in with this Yato god. Walking from school one day she sees him looking for his cat. He finds his cat in the street and Hiyori runs to the rescue since she sees a bus coming their way. She saves them but at the cost of her own safety. She ends up in the hospital so he thanks her but tells her the bus wouldn't have hit him since he's a supernatural being anyway. Yato then introduces himself as the God Yato, but Hiyori just thinks he's a weirdo.

Since Yato isn't a big named god, he doesn't have a shrine people can pray on his name, and if nobody prays for him, he will be forgotten. So to solve this problem, he goes around advertising his "delivery service". Basically, he will do anything and everything as long as the person pays him a 5 yen coin which is equivalent to five cents. As small as the amount is, he hopes to make enough money to build a shrine for himself.

So, because of that little bus accident Hiyori had, her soul tends to leave her body while her body falls into deep sleep. Everyone around her thinks she has narcolepsy. How can you fix a supernatural problem? With a supernatural solution. So she begs Yato to fix her body and gives him a five yen coin. Now they are both stuck with each other, helping one another out.

The show has many cool additions like the weapons each god uses are actually spirits of previous people, which Yato looks for one pretty early in the show. After becoming someone's weapon, their physical and mental state or tired to one another so whatever pain they feel, the other one does as well. It's double edged sword if you think about it.

There are also so many more gods that appear in the show, each with their own quirks, weapons, and the way they go about their daily lives'. Above all, gods are suppose to be noble and respectful. Yato is by far the most mysterious and out of character god you will find. He is greedy, selfish, rude, and irresponsible. But he is extremely powerful and caring--tries to do the right thing, for the most part at least. It also helps that Hiyori is a good influence on him.

There are many silly scenes and faces Yato makes throughout, but the show is also equally heartbreaking. Since this is a supernatural show, we deal with a lot of spirits, some are more regretful than others and Yato sometimes helps them cross over. It's a mixture of fun and heartache.

Here is a trailer of what to expect:

And here is where you can stream the show:
This 2014 show has two seasons, with 12 episodes in season one (you can skip episodes 11 and 12 since it's anime only/does not follow the manga), then 11 episodes in season two. If this made you interested in the show, season two gets even better. There's more action, more heartache, and more revelations, especially with Yato's dark and mysterious past. It also gets even more sad. The animation is already beautiful but that gets an upgrade too. Sadly, there has not been any news about a season three, but there's still hope. This show was incredibly popular for its time, its only logical to renew it for another season some day, right?

If you already watched this anime or plan on it, let me know your thoughts in the comments below! (:


  1. I love that so far every anime that you have written about is on my list to watch! I have had my eye on this one for a while now! After reading I'm definitely checking it out.

    1. This show is definitely so fun!! It has basically a little bit of everything put in one show so I totally recommend it for a quick watch!!


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