Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun
This week's anime is a 2014 romantic comedy! The show follows high schooler Chiyo Sakura a girl who is head over heels for Umetarou Nozaki, who happens to be the author and artist of a popular shojo romance manga called Let's Fall in Love . Although, he uses a pen name "Sakiko Yumeno", so only a few people know that he's the author--it's not pretty common for a high school boy to be an author of a romance comic for young women. So, Chiyo tries to confess her love to him after school one day but he doesn't quite understand and instead gives her his autograph with the pen name. Confused at first, Chiyo asks if he is Sakiko Yumeno which he thought that she already knew. But to be far, the way Chiyo confessed her love, left a lot of room for misunderstanding. She also then agrees to follow Nozaki home thinking romantically, but ends up being his comic assistant since his deadlines are always tight. Thus begins all the continued misunderstandings between th...