This week's anime falls under the drama romance category. This 2016, 13 episode anime focuses on Naho, her group of friends, and new transfer student Kakeru. At the start of the show, Naho receives a letter from herself 10 years in the future--26 year old Naho to be exact. The letter tells her of events that happened throughout the course of those 10 years but more specifically, her and her friend's time in high school and Kakeru's tragic death. At first she didn't believe the letter but as events described in the letter starting coming true, she decided to follow her future self's wishes. Naho realizes the letter is full of so much regret from her future self, wishing she could have saved Kakeru. So, current 16 year old Naho takes it upon herself to keep an eye on Kakeru and save him from dying. The story continues to depict the adventures of the gang with Kakeru. Naho struggles to follow the letter's wishes so it does get a bit frustrating to watch as she fail...