Code Geass
This week's anime is a 2006 action, drama, mecha , show. The story is about a futurist world set in Japan that is now called Area 11 and under the power of the Holy Empire of Britannia. Japan still wanting to be an independent country, has a ton of forces that are fighting against soldiers in the Holy Empire of Britannia. The main character Lelouch Lamperouge, a Britannian student ends up on the battlefield where he meets C.C (pronounced c2) gives him a power called Geass also known as the "Power of Kings". Basically, the power lets the user make someone do whatever the user wants them to do, only with direct contact though. Lelouche was actually an exiled prince of Britannia where his mother, the queen was slaughtered and his little sister Nunnally was so traumatized by the incident she lost her eyesight. Both are currently living a fake life at Ashford Academy as students under the care of the school. Lelouche angry that his dad, the king, did not save his mom and ca...